Plejers Migjubin

Plejers li ghadhom attivi mibjughin lil klabbs ohra
Márcio Orvalho 21 D
2024-07-27 St3aua Bucuresti 2 959 900
Gilles Vincken 20 MF
2024-07-27 Bangkok Warriors 1 790 400
Nick Wargloo 20 MF
2024-06-01 Iraklis Kalyves 318 100
Charlie McCab 18 MF
2024-05-19 Giant Pandas 7 517 500
Eliseu Alegria 20 D
2024-03-23 Talang United 615 800
Atanasio Asenjo 20 F
2024-03-23 Munktown City 253 100
Majid Abdul-Muttalib 20 MF
2024-03-23 FK Bregalnica 4 458 500
Wesley Ward 21 D
2024-03-16 West High Tigrs 489 900
Stephen Clifden 20 MF
2024-03-09 FC Bonderup Boys 340 600
Mágico Daxler 23 MF
2024-02-13 Buffalo Soldiers 5 110 900
Marc Heggie 18 MF
2024-01-09 The Red Ones 1 055 900
Brian De Cock 21 MF
2023-11-11 Cannock Vixens 2 247 000
Stijn Kabasele 22 MF
2023-11-11 FC 1994 2 658 500
Phillip Ochoa 24 D
2023-11-11 New Handyman III 6 121 400
Yacine van Deursen 21 MF
2023-10-28 BISCAS TEAM 3 065 900
Romeo Ravanelli 22 F
2023-10-28 Jondalen IL 2 098 500
Marcio Costa 32 D
2023-09-18 FC CEAHLAUL 7 823 400
Joshua Higginson 33 D
2023-09-18 Wychwood Forest 5 741 000
Adalberto Souto 30 D
2023-09-18 Web F.C. 3 449 900
Leandro Massa 22 F
2023-08-28 Mebyon Kernow 3 400 900
Carmindo Padinha 28 MF
2023-08-28 IRHM FC 12 145 300
Seth Stout 36 GK
2023-08-18 Teller Morrow FC 3 486 800
Staszek Modracki 31 F
2023-08-12 RBN 4 485 800
Gustaw Cisek 32 MF
2023-08-12 perspolis 8 933 100
Rista Cuturilo 32 D
2023-08-05 team excelence 5 149 200
Neal Wilkinson 32 F
2023-08-05 IFK Munket 3 680 600
Bength Alnefjord 32 MF
2023-08-05 Hove Seagulls FC 7 279 800
Lars-Göran Sjökvist 33 MF
2023-08-05 Bryngan BOIS 7 160 800
James Lambie 32 D
2023-07-07 IFK Oxelö 2 879 600
Tryggve Palm 28 MF
2023-05-31 Britadeira FC 6 095 000
Carl-Fredrik Fältskog 20 MF
2023-03-06 Leicester Foxes 11 904 800
Llywellyn Young 23 MF
2023-01-01 Real Lbs 1 190 500
Izydor Janoszka 33 GK
2022-12-16 Ateos Segovianos CF 5 366 700
Cornelis Jernberg 23 GK
2022-09-25 Green Giant 2 938 100
Luis do Nascimento 33 MF
2022-08-31 FC Exchange 07 8 533 400
Sebastian Olovsson 25 D
2022-04-25 Apple 476 200
Torbjörn Lindquist 27 GK
2022-03-16 FC Brasov 595 300
Gary Hamilton 35 MF
2020-08-24 The Red Branch Knights 2 023 900
Winicjusz Machulski 33 F
2020-06-02 Pattaya FC 447 700
Yusuf Al Dawood 33 D
2020-05-10 Big Cheese FC 623 300
Jonathan Gerlach 32 MF
2020-05-10 FC Malaga 297 700
Edgardo Canesa 37 MF
2019-06-29 Halifax Town FC 7 542 900

Plejers li hallew lill-klabb
2024-09-10 Oidor Bakero 19 D
0 Imkecci
2024-09-10 Ruud Rijssel 24 MF
0 Imkecci
2024-09-03 Yaacov Spinadel 21 MF
0 Imkecci
2024-09-03 Richard MacPhail 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2024-09-03 Fergus McInnie 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2024-08-27 César Fagundes 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2024-08-27 Ralph MacManaman 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2024-08-27 Marius Granåsen 20 D
0 Imkecci
2024-08-27 Alonso Huarves 35 MF
0 Spicca
2024-07-27 Márcio Orvalho 21 D
2 486 316 Mibjugh
2024-07-27 Gilles Vincken 20 MF
1 503 936 Mibjugh
2024-06-01 Nick Wargloo 19 MF
267 204 Mibjugh
2024-05-28 Lars-Göran Aderklint 19 F
0 Imkecci
2024-05-21 Pelle Götherström 17 MF
0 Imkecci
2024-05-21 Gil Matias 17 MF
0 Imkecci
2024-05-19 Charlie McCab 17 MF
6 314 700 Mibjugh
2024-05-15 Stellan Wall-Enberg 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2024-05-15 Adrian Ackland 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2024-05-15 Dragomir Zune 19 D
0 Imkecci
2024-05-14 Álvaro Peixes 35 F
0 Spicca
2024-05-14 Nelson Ozzinho 35 GK
0 Spicca
2024-05-14 Sten Östling 37 D
0 Spicca
2024-03-23 Atanasio Asenjo 18 F
212 604 Mibjugh
2024-03-23 Majid Abdul-Muttalib 19 MF
3 745 140 Mibjugh
2024-03-23 Eliseu Alegria 19 D
517 272 Mibjugh
2024-03-16 Wesley Ward 19 D
411 516 Mibjugh
2024-03-09 Stephen Clifden 19 MF
286 104 Mibjugh
2024-02-13 Mágico Daxler 21 MF
4 293 156 Mibjugh
2024-02-09 Benedikt Bester 19 D
0 Imkecci
2024-02-09 Tyrone Harden 19 F
0 Imkecci
2024-02-09 Peter Haddington 19 D
0 Imkecci
2024-01-31 Hisashi Sano 19 F
0 Imkecci
2024-01-31 Marciano Buscemi 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2024-01-31 Thomas Gunn 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2024-01-31 Raymond Halcrow 20 D
0 Imkecci
2024-01-30 Jaime Manzanera 36 MF
0 Spicca
2024-01-09 Marc Heggie 16 MF
886 956 Mibjugh
2023-11-11 Brian De Cock 19 MF
1 887 480 Mibjugh
2023-11-11 Stijn Kabasele 19 MF
2 233 140 Mibjugh
2023-11-11 Phillip Ochoa 21 D
5 141 976 Mibjugh
2023-11-07 Gaspar Bilro 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2023-11-07 Chad Bowling 19 D
0 Imkecci
2023-10-31 Cornel Nãvodaru 19 F
0 Imkecci
2023-10-28 Yacine van Deursen 18 MF
2 575 356 Mibjugh
2023-10-28 Romeo Ravanelli 19 F
1 762 740 Mibjugh
2023-10-24 Flynn Keaton 18 D
0 Imkecci
2023-10-24 Harold Denneboom 19 D
0 Imkecci
2023-09-18 Adalberto Souto 26 D
2 897 916 Mibjugh
2023-09-18 Marcio Costa 29 D
6 571 656 Mibjugh
2023-09-18 Joshua Higginson 30 D
4 822 440 Mibjugh
2023-08-28 Carmindo Padinha 25 MF
10 202 052 Mibjugh
2023-08-28 Leandro Massa 19 F
2 856 756 Mibjugh
2023-08-18 Seth Stout 32 GK
2 928 912 Mibjugh
2023-08-12 Staszek Modracki 28 F
3 768 072 Mibjugh
2023-08-12 Gustaw Cisek 28 MF
7 503 804 Mibjugh
2023-08-05 Rista Cuturilo 29 D
4 325 328 Mibjugh
2023-08-05 Neal Wilkinson 29 F
3 091 704 Mibjugh
2023-08-05 Bength Alnefjord 29 MF
6 115 032 Mibjugh
2023-08-05 Lars-Göran Sjökvist 29 MF
6 015 072 Mibjugh
2023-07-07 James Lambie 29 D
2 418 864 Mibjugh
2023-07-01 Luciano Figueiredo 17 MF
0 Imkecci
2023-05-31 Tryggve Palm 24 MF
5 119 800 Mibjugh
2023-03-23 Arvid Sandkvist 22 F
0 Imkecci
2023-03-06 Carl-Fredrik Fältskog 16 MF
10 000 032 Mibjugh
2023-02-11 Nils-Erik Håkansson 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2023-01-01 Llywellyn Young 18 MF
1 000 020 Mibjugh
2022-12-16 Izydor Janoszka 27 GK
4 508 028 Mibjugh
2022-09-25 Cornelis Jernberg 17 GK
2 468 004 Mibjugh
2022-08-31 Luis do Nascimento 26 MF
7 168 056 Mibjugh
2022-07-19 Mario Ebeling 34 D
1 000 020 Mibjugh
2022-05-10 Matthieu Wiltord 38 MF
0 Spicca
2022-05-06 Torgny Grossman 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2022-04-25 Sebastian Olovsson 17 D
400 008 Mibjugh
2022-03-16 Torbjörn Lindquist 18 GK
500 052 Mibjugh
2022-01-25 Caleb Estabrook 36 MF
0 Spicca
2021-10-12 Dennis Levine 36 D
0 Spicca
2021-03-25 Richardo Veloso 21 MF
5 300 148 Mibjugh
2021-01-24 Mack Stone 31 F
3 630 060 Mibjugh
2021-01-24 Bength Rudqvist 32 D
3 644 256 Mibjugh
2020-08-24 Con Xara 22 F
251 832 Mibjugh
2020-08-24 Gary Hamilton 21 MF
1 700 076 Mibjugh
2020-07-18 Roman Hooper 34 D
0 Imkecci
2020-06-02 Winicjusz Machulski 19 F
376 068 Mibjugh
2020-05-20 Herbert Mallett 30 GK
4 430 076 Mibjugh
2020-05-20 Ambrozy Paczek 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2020-05-16 Pedro Marinho 28 F
6 270 012 Mibjugh
2020-05-10 Jonathan Gerlach 18 MF
250 068 Mibjugh
2020-05-10 Taufik Hartono 19 MF
1 700 748 Mibjugh
2020-05-10 Yusuf Al Dawood 19 D
523 572 Mibjugh
2020-05-05 Ilya Chanov 36 D
0 Spicca
2020-02-25 Martino Nozal 21 D
132 804 Mibjugh
2020-02-14 Anton Chaloupka 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2020-02-04 Jean-Paul Looo 29 D
5 500 068 Mibjugh
2020-01-30 Sergio Solis 30 MF
3 668 028 Mibjugh
2020-01-29 Jiri Maxis 30 D
2 880 024 Mibjugh
2020-01-29 Clas Allermalm 29 MF
4 004 028 Mibjugh
2020-01-29 Veijo Angeland 20 D
410 004 Mibjugh
2020-01-21 Cosmin Nistoroiu 37 MF
0 Spicca
2019-10-24 Charles Tannatt 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2019-10-24 Maxime Guille 18 F
0 Imkecci
2019-10-24 Joe Geller 19 F
0 Imkecci
2019-08-14 Oh Jonnhy 37 F
429 324 Mibjugh
2019-07-03 Reijo Raskenstam 22 F
4 800 012 Mibjugh
2019-06-29 Christiaan Vreven 20 MF
125 076 Mibjugh
2019-06-29 Edgardo Canesa 20 MF
6 336 036 Mibjugh
2019-06-17 Pèpe Lepew 18 F
0 Imkecci
2019-03-19 Simão Milhazes 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2019-03-12 Christopher Noukeu 37 MF
0 Spicca
2019-02-23 Gervásio Sales 18 MF
166 404 Mibjugh
2019-02-12 Danny Purdie 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2019-01-14 Kenno Mägi 20 GK
3 500 028 Mibjugh
2018-12-01 Björn Wolff 22 MF
3 232 068 Mibjugh
2018-11-27 Viggo Hedberg 39 D
0 Spicca
2018-11-27 Vito Gallicchio 35 F
0 Spicca
2018-08-14 Aloísio Menino 36 D
0 Spicca
2018-07-18 Marc MacCombich 17 D
45 948 Mibjugh
2018-05-15 Eryk Smutny 35 MF
0 Imkecci
2018-01-19 Ter Stegen 33 GK
1 500 072 Mibjugh
2018-01-16 Giorgios Ofridopolous 35 D
0 Spicca
2018-01-16 Julius Indreski 36 MF
0 Spicca
2017-11-27 Mateus Ntotila 27 F
4 200 000 Mibjugh
2017-10-07 Volkel Slot 22 F
5 568 024 Mibjugh
2017-10-07 Chatchom Kovithvathanaphong 21 MF
40 068 Mibjugh
2017-08-10 Adão Raiva 18 MF
40 068 Mibjugh
2017-07-21 Maxi Hector 25 MF
3 772 020 Mibjugh
2017-07-17 Tord Westerhus 30 F
3 408 048 Mibjugh
2017-06-28 Khalif Walid 20 MF
79 800 Mibjugh
2017-06-26 Campodónico D´Alessandro 18 MF
40 068 Mibjugh
2017-06-24 Henryk Feliszewski 28 D
1 900 080 Mibjugh
2017-06-24 Clive Mathieson 25 D
634 032 Mibjugh
2017-06-24 Sándor Hollósy 30 MF
4 336 080 Mibjugh
2017-05-21 Anton Klader 18 D
40 068 Mibjugh
2017-04-18 Robert Rinke 17 MF
683 844 Mibjugh
2017-04-07 Rafael Mathijssen 22 GK
1 212 204 Mibjugh
2017-03-15 Uwe Kronenberg 23 F
1 500 072 Mibjugh
2017-03-14 Konrad Conrad 20 F
0 Imkecci
2017-03-11 Julian Blachowski 28 D
4 748 016 Mibjugh
2017-03-07 Filippio Manucci 35 MF
0 Imkecci
2017-01-12 Daniil Perlov 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2016-11-30 Hugo Fernando 25 MF
918 036 Mibjugh
2016-11-30 Nisse Steen 26 D
5 016 060 Mibjugh
2016-11-26 Gustav Bjørnsund 20 MF
100 044 Mibjugh
2016-11-24 Carl-Petter Bringevik 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2016-11-22 Heitor Natal 22 D
0 Imkecci
2016-08-16 Sérgio Picazzo 37 F
0 Imkecci
2016-08-09 Hagop Kassabian 19 D
0 Imkecci
2016-05-11 Nazareno Cura 30 F
0 Imkecci
2016-05-06 Eugenio Altamirano 22 MF
0 Imkecci
2016-01-30 Trudell Bloom 19 D
0 Imkecci
2016-01-14 Marius Valke 20 F
0 Imkecci
2016-01-12 Kacper Karasiak 36 D
0 Spicca
2016-01-02 Marco Asensio 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2016-01-02 Momtes Fathallah 24 MF
0 Imkecci
2015-11-09 Marino Isakson 25 GK
0 Imkecci
2015-10-05 Juliano Bivar 22 F
210 000 Mibjugh
2015-10-03 Amador Boroja 21 MF
0 Imkecci
2015-09-29 Raducu Guritã 37 F
0 Spicca
2015-07-03 Paul Parsons 30 MF
40 068 Mibjugh
2015-04-29 Simon Clark 23 F
0 Imkecci
2015-03-29 Adam Kierczewski 20 GK
0 Imkecci
2015-03-24 Witek Ordon 21 D
0 Imkecci
2015-03-13 Neymar Dos Santos Jr 24 MF
0 Imkecci
2015-03-10 Marius Gorgorin 28 D
0 Imkecci
2015-03-10 Tony Normgren 20 D
0 Imkecci
2015-03-10 Sergio Romero 20 D
0 Imkecci
2015-03-03 Alain Omam Biyik 36 D
0 Spicca
2015-03-03 Tom Prestonfield 37 MF
0 Spicca
2014-08-05 Vicente Litos 36 MF
0 Spicca
2014-04-27 Diego Lopezo 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2014-04-23 Gustaw Matyjaszek 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2014-04-23 Ter van Stegen 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2014-04-23 Alojzy Zuchnik 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2014-04-22 Ricardo Cordeiro 35 MF
0 Spicca
2014-03-19 Fryderyk Szpak 19 GK
170 016 Mibjugh
2014-01-22 Ronald Ekelund 21 D
100 044 Mibjugh
2014-01-17 Carles Puyol 22 D
150 024 Mibjugh
2014-01-07 Dionizy Kostrubala 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2014-01-07 Peder Enelid 38 GK
0 Imkecci
2014-01-07 Edgar Lachowicz 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2013-10-03 Augustyn Bartnicki 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2013-09-08 Cascuero Palacios 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2013-08-24 Kronprinz Hias 20 F
0 Imkecci
2013-07-12 Jamir O’Quai 19 F
40 068 Mibjugh
2013-06-27 Miquel Castro 19 MF
150 024 Mibjugh
2013-06-19 Tomasz Warzycha 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2013-06-11 Silviu Focsa 36 MF
0 Spicca
2013-05-18 Alojzy Mozejko 19 D
0 Imkecci
2013-04-22 Sonny Bagnall 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2013-04-07 Mikolaj Kochanek 22 D
0 Imkecci
2013-03-30 Zygmunt Finowiecki 20 D
0 Imkecci
2013-02-19 Fjodor Tikhonov 36 MF
0 Spicca
2013-01-30 Achosmán Vicente 28 D
2 088 072 Mibjugh
2013-01-30 Davie Cooper 27 GK
2 024 064 Mibjugh
2013-01-30 Risto Vidakovic 27 D
8 192 016 Mibjugh
2012-11-06 Bernt-Olof Dohlsten 35 F
0 Spicca
2012-11-06 Bength Glebe 35 MF
0 Spicca
2012-09-12 Stephen Ramsden 31 MF
900 060 Mibjugh
2012-08-09 Ferdinand Solli 29 MF
3 000 060 Mibjugh
2012-08-05 Rúben Pedrosa 31 MF
0 Imkecci
2012-08-05 Aníbal Atlântico 25 MF
0 Imkecci
2012-07-31 Veijo Heiskanen 24 D
990 024 Mibjugh
2012-07-09 Andy Snape 25 F
5 990 040 Mibjugh
2012-05-21 Edward Grzeszczyk 21 D
0 Imkecci
2012-04-28 Nicholas Abate 24 D
16 500 036 Mibjugh
2012-04-25 Leslaw Szatan 18 D
0 Imkecci
2012-04-18 Maksym Gierczak 21 D
0 Imkecci
2012-04-10 Björn Ehrensvärd 34 MF
0 Spicca
2012-04-10 Raimond Klauninger 35 D
0 Spicca
2012-03-19 Aarão Amaro 25 D
6 168 036 Mibjugh
2012-03-10 Yaqub Al Ahmed 23 MF
6 000 036 Mibjugh
2012-03-03 Christiano Ronaldos 20 D
1 900 080 Mibjugh
2012-02-29 Ignacy Adamski 19 D
0 Imkecci
2012-01-31 Kazimierz Biernat 18 D
0 Imkecci
2012-01-25 Tomasz Waldoch 19 D
130 032 Mibjugh
2012-01-18 Steffen Aune 26 D
4 753 056 Mibjugh
2012-01-15 Ivan Sireacu 25 D
5 391 372 Mibjugh
2011-12-31 Edmund Forss 25 MF
2 572 080 Mibjugh
2011-12-07 Tomasz Hajto 18 D
5 840 016 Mibjugh
2011-11-05 Kazimir Andrievski 28 D
3 500 028 Mibjugh
2011-11-02 Earl Ellershaw 23 MF
10 000 032 Mibjugh
2011-10-26 Emlyn Hughes 25 D
7 599 480 Mibjugh
2011-10-23 Freddie Curle 24 F
7 900 032 Mibjugh
2011-10-22 Kjell Adolfsson 24 MF
1 200 024 Mibjugh
2011-10-17 Gregor Westcroft 23 F
0 Imkecci
2011-10-14 Nichlas Nikander 24 GK
4 000 080 Mibjugh
2011-10-11 Gracjan Andrzejewski 17 F
4 500 048 Mibjugh
2011-10-10 Damien Wood 24 MF
1 500 072 Mibjugh
2011-10-05 Mortimer Grieves 24 D
400 008 Mibjugh
2011-10-02 Lewis Fife 21 MF
600 012 Mibjugh
2011-09-28 Julian Quinton 23 D
2 900 016 Mibjugh
2011-09-21 Bogumil Krawiec 18 F
300 048 Mibjugh
2011-09-21 Massimiliano Trapattoni 23 MF
0 Imkecci
2011-09-21 Tomas Ingelsson 22 MF
550 032 Mibjugh
2011-09-20 Lucas Salgueiro 22 GK
524 076 Mibjugh
2011-09-16 Tim Hoogland 19 F
0 Imkecci
2011-08-29 Mariusz Kubina 18 F
340 032 Mibjugh
2011-08-06 Jermain Ooijen 21 F
2 500 008 Mibjugh
2011-08-03 Abelardo Ricardo 22 F
1 730 064 Mibjugh
2011-07-19 Fionnlagh MacKenzie 23 F
340 032 Mibjugh
2011-07-07 Cain Wynne 24 D
990 024 Mibjugh
2011-06-30 Franciszek Tymanski 18 F
0 Imkecci
2011-06-25 Mieszko Bator 18 F
3 000 060 Mibjugh
2011-06-14 Damian Ostafinski 18 F
150 024 Mibjugh
2011-06-07 Macura Lysiak 21 F
0 Imkecci
2011-06-05 Paolo Di Canio 26 F
1 702 008 Mibjugh
2011-04-28 Jimmy Johns 24 GK
990 024 Mibjugh
2011-04-28 Emil Danner 23 MF
1 652 028 Mibjugh
2011-04-17 Niclas Millholt 23 MF
300 048 Mibjugh
2011-04-13 Sandor Barzã 22 MF
100 044 Mibjugh
2011-04-09 Tytus Zuberek 19 F
2 000 040 Mibjugh
2011-03-27 Dinis Frânaru 23 D
600 012 Mibjugh
2011-03-24 Peter Sebesta 23 MF
1 272 012 Mibjugh
2011-03-20 Jacek Kaluzny 19 F
0 Imkecci
2011-03-20 Blazej Lubiak 20 F
0 Imkecci
2011-03-06 Casper Stille 23 GK
2 240 028 Mibjugh
2011-02-28 Cezary Wieczorek 18 F
0 Imkecci
2011-02-26 Jonathan Main 27 GK
4 336 080 Mibjugh
2011-02-23 Stanislaw Bienkowski 22 D
0 Imkecci
2011-02-23 Matthias Hanner 22 D
450 072 Mibjugh
2011-02-19 Nuno Liró 27 D
7 000 056 Mibjugh
2011-02-18 Brad Wilder 33 MF
500 052 Mibjugh
2011-02-15 Quincy Simons 27 F
0 Imkecci
2011-02-15 Rysiek Gasienica 21 F
0 Imkecci
2011-01-16 Runar Carlén 21 MF
4 900 056 Mibjugh
2011-01-03 Henry van Heijswijk 37 GK
0 Imkecci
2010-12-27 Gualter Menino 21 D
700 056 Mibjugh
2010-12-23 Yannis Dellas 23 D
7 000 056 Mibjugh
2010-12-19 Leonard Fink 19 D
800 016 Mibjugh
2010-12-15 Harry Sinani 21 D
5 000 016 Mibjugh
2010-12-07 Lambert Voight 23 MF
2 800 056 Mibjugh
2010-12-07 Dermot Latimer 30 F
990 024 Mibjugh
2010-11-29 Smokie Killer 24 MF
2 100 000 Mibjugh
2010-11-25 Fritjof Strandman 27 MF
4 300 044 Mibjugh
2010-11-21 Helge Darneus 22 F
1 000 020 Mibjugh
2010-11-02 Stefan Nikic 31 MF
0 Spicca
2010-10-23 Kaj Revahl 35 MF
0 Imkecci
2010-10-18 Wesley Giggs 29 F
7 000 056 Mibjugh
2010-09-30 Glen Gers 27 D
5 000 016 Mibjugh
2010-09-26 Rafael Ferreira de Souza 22 D
10 920 000 Mibjugh
2010-09-10 Alessandro D´Aloisio 21 D
7 613 004 Mibjugh
2010-08-25 Eryk Kotek 18 F
400 008 Mibjugh
2010-08-19 Zdzisek Roguski 16 D
2 500 008 Mibjugh
2010-08-11 Stig Bång 35 GK
4 000 080 Mibjugh
2010-08-01 Marcelo Bordon 17 D
500 052 Mibjugh
2010-07-24 Bert-Åke Fåglefelt 24 GK
984 060 Mibjugh
2010-07-20 Freire Rocha 35 F
0 Spicca
2010-06-23 Lars-Olof Millquist 33 D
2 850 036 Mibjugh
2010-06-20 Javier Pizarro 24 MF
8 761 032 Mibjugh
2010-05-27 David Branter 22 D
2 800 056 Mibjugh
2010-05-17 Calvin Maynard 27 D
2 100 000 Mibjugh
2010-04-26 Fausto Velasco 23 GK
2 670 024 Mibjugh
2010-04-22 Kåre Wallenberg 25 GK
200 004 Mibjugh
2010-04-06 Måns Jacobsson 36 D
0 Spicca
2010-04-06 Otto Squire 36 MF
0 Spicca
2010-02-02 Franciszek Kulyga 19 D
0 Imkecci
2010-01-29 Horst Delfs 24 D
3 999 072 Mibjugh
2010-01-25 Adriano Fumai 20 D
0 Imkecci
2010-01-18 Levan Kobiashvili 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2010-01-09 Nick Lustig 23 D
7 644 000 Mibjugh
2009-12-30 Graham Harlaw 29 GK
2 500 008 Mibjugh
2009-12-22 Simon Boardman 38 D
0 Spicca
2009-11-19 Daniel Samuels 35 D
1 168 020 Mibjugh
2009-11-04 Davíð Þór Viðarsson 26 MF
4 368 000 Mibjugh
2009-11-04 Teigh McGeady 21 F
1 500 072 Mibjugh
2009-10-25 Rui de Barros 23 MF
2 000 040 Mibjugh
2009-10-12 Anton Enwall 22 D
1 290 072 Mibjugh
2009-10-08 Christer Berglund 21 GK
200 004 Mibjugh
2009-10-08 George Mullins 22 MF
220 080 Mibjugh
2009-10-05 Charlie Kullman 20 F
1 284 360 Mibjugh
2009-09-30 Ron Brumwell 22 MF
300 048 Mibjugh
2009-08-24 Néstor Posada 20 F
199 080 Mibjugh
2009-08-08 Tomasz Waldoch 21 D
5 900 076 Mibjugh
2009-07-30 Dick Snape 25 F
6 900 012 Mibjugh
2009-07-23 Tevfik Beyazit 27 GK
3 800 076 Mibjugh
2009-07-21 Artur Wichniarek 17 F
0 Imkecci
2009-07-10 Michael Kilner 24 D
3 150 000 Mibjugh
2009-07-02 Emmanuel Gower 20 F
0 Imkecci
2009-06-23 Shane Hockton 29 GK
0 Imkecci
2009-06-03 René Wiegert 24 D
1 260 000 Mibjugh
2009-05-31 George Watts 19 D
3 024 000 Mibjugh
2009-05-26 Povel Axell 21 GK
0 Imkecci
2009-05-06 Marlon Bowcott 25 D
650 076 Mibjugh
2009-05-06 Julian Raymond 19 F
5 555 592 Mibjugh
2009-04-30 Arvid Lukasson 22 MF
1 224 868 Mibjugh
2009-04-26 Kendrick Eaden 27 D
168 000 Mibjugh
2009-04-25 Daley Caunce 19 D
271 908 Mibjugh
2009-04-24 Neo Rosbottom 30 D
2 268 000 Mibjugh
2009-04-22 Kent-Arne Ulmstedt 21 D
290 052 Mibjugh
2009-04-21 Lincoln Gee 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2009-04-20 Gregory Giles 28 F
0 Imkecci
2009-04-20 Terrance Weatherstone 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2009-04-19 Ernest Pennock 31 MF
0 Imkecci
2009-02-10 Jason Rankin 30 D
0 Spicca
2008-12-10 Wayne Hamper 25 MF
0 Imkecci
2008-12-08 Carl-Johan Karlström 20 D
0 Imkecci
2008-12-08 Esa Tolkki 35 MF
1 848 420 Mibjugh
2008-12-01 Alf Clegg 25 D
1 752 072 Mibjugh
2008-11-27 Ed Inglethorpe 32 F
0 Imkecci
2008-11-27 Richie Lonsdale 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2008-11-10 Leroy Acreman 26 MF
1 940 400 Mibjugh
2008-11-06 Will Ackley 34 GK
0 Imkecci
2008-11-06 Kelsey Dowell 31 D
0 Imkecci
2008-11-03 Leon Linton 31 F
0 Imkecci
2008-10-12 Allan Deayton 20 D
0 Imkecci
2008-09-07 Mel Red 30 MF
0 Imkecci
2008-08-13 Jacob Chorlton 33 MF
0 Imkecci

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