Plejers Migjubin

Plejers li ghadhom attivi mibjughin lil klabbs ohra
Deane Derby 20 F
2024-06-18 LG16 1 151 500
Greg Clifford 20 MF
2024-06-18 Casa do Sporting 1 894 900
Noel Blackwood 22 MF
2024-06-18 Tramshed Rovers 3 092 100
Cecil Clarke 20 MF
2024-06-13 RAPID BUCURESTI CF 8 965 300
Timothy McNeil 21 F
2024-03-10 Authentic Club 2 426 800
Terrence Jobson 21 D
2024-03-04 The Hawks 8 299 500
Bradley Hutchinson 22 MF
2024-03-03 Datsmlah 2 402 400
Tony Churchill 19 MF
2024-03-03 Real Septem Frates 3 015 500
Odd Älg 36 GK
2024-02-10 Viitorul GP PRO 2 856 100
Hector Harris 34 F
2024-02-10 Wheelz of Steel 1 534 600
Hugh Westlake 23 MF
2023-11-18 Hässleholms IF 4 698 500
Brett Wilkinson 30 F
2023-08-24 Mohers FC 13 659 100
John Rosbotham 21 F
2023-08-05 Blue Jackets 78 300
Randy Eavis 23 MF
2023-08-04 The Royal Tenenbaums 6 318 300
Dudley Newell 25 MF
2023-05-19 Västerviks FF 1 325 600
Leroy Strouts 30 MF
2023-04-22 HNK Imperial 15 160 500
Shawn Clode 26 MF
2023-04-22 TMAK 1 496 500
Jerrard Bauer 22 MF
2023-03-02 Terengganu City 453 600
Jeffrey Sawyer 23 MF
2023-02-24 KARADENIZSPOR 47 700
Jody Allison 28 MF
2023-01-07 Serrinha Academy 22 079 700
Brad Wallbank 25 D
2023-01-07 Polonia United 6 864 300
Elliot Burbanks 26 MF
2022-07-23 Cloud Nine 1 294 900
Linford Pryor 34 D
2022-06-14 Colosso FC 7 934 600
Rick Ruffer 28 MF
2022-06-09 Captain Morgan FC 13 085 900
Thurston Billingham 24 D
2022-05-21 Alto do Moinho FC 4 296 000
Rob Bulman 28 D
2022-04-11 Mighty Sith Rens 47 700
Ashton Fell 32 MF
2022-02-25 AC Malam 7 354 200
Kieron Malloy 29 MF
2022-02-25 Vila Seca FC 3 642 400
Ned Paul 25 D
2022-01-27 Pisa 6 009 500
Stanley Milne 29 F
2021-07-10 Derby County 48 100
Ernest Main 30 F
2021-05-02 Chinook 254 800
Jeremiah Challis 29 F
2021-03-09 Eye United 2 487 700
Jonathan Berry 31 F
2020-12-11 IFK Bollkickers 247 700
Lewis Table 32 MF
2020-05-08 besiktasfc 8 854 500
Chesley Willis 31 D
2020-04-24 Raigoon FC 1 918 700
Shaun Churchill 33 D
2020-04-06 hoffenheim 57 200
Aníbal Carreto 35 MF
2020-01-12 Scorers United 131 000

Plejers li hallew lill-klabb
2024-06-18 Noel Blackwood 21 MF
2 597 364 Mibjugh
2024-06-18 Deane Derby 20 F
967 260 Mibjugh
2024-06-18 Greg Clifford 20 MF
1 591 716 Mibjugh
2024-06-13 Cecil Clarke 19 MF
7 530 852 Mibjugh
2024-06-13 Hank Noble 19 D
0 Imkecci
2024-03-18 Alec Eaden 18 D
0 Imkecci
2024-03-10 Timothy McNeil 19 F
2 038 512 Mibjugh
2024-03-07 Nick Baxendale 17 D
184 632 Mibjugh
2024-03-04 Terrence Jobson 19 D
6 971 580 Mibjugh
2024-03-03 Tony Churchill 18 MF
2 533 020 Mibjugh
2024-03-03 Bradley Hutchinson 20 MF
2 018 016 Mibjugh
2024-02-10 Hector Harris 32 F
1 289 064 Mibjugh
2024-02-10 Luke Williamson 33 MF
924 000 Mibjugh
2024-02-10 Odd Älg 34 GK
2 399 124 Mibjugh
2024-02-05 Brendan Corbett 25 D
0 Imkecci
2023-11-18 Hugh Westlake 20 MF
3 946 740 Mibjugh
2023-11-12 Damon Fitzgerald 36 D
0 Spicca
2023-08-24 Brett Wilkinson 27 F
11 473 644 Mibjugh
2023-08-05 John Rosbotham 17 F
65 772 Mibjugh
2023-08-04 Randy Eavis 19 MF
5 307 372 Mibjugh
2023-06-18 Joe Presley 17 MF
352 800 Mibjugh
2023-05-19 Dudley Newell 20 MF
1 113 504 Mibjugh
2023-04-22 Leroy Strouts 25 MF
12 734 820 Mibjugh
2023-04-22 Shawn Clode 21 MF
1 257 060 Mibjugh
2023-03-02 Jerrard Bauer 17 MF
381 024 Mibjugh
2023-02-24 Jeffrey Sawyer 18 MF
40 068 Mibjugh
2023-02-03 Lincoln Pardoe 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2023-02-03 Jason Beddoe 20 F
0 Imkecci
2023-01-07 Jody Allison 22 MF
18 546 948 Mibjugh
2023-01-07 Brad Wallbank 20 D
5 766 012 Mibjugh
2023-01-03 Leroy Carlisle 22 MF
0 Imkecci
2022-11-10 Nils-Gunnar Harrysson 30 D
4 212 264 Mibjugh
2022-07-23 Elliot Burbanks 19 MF
1 087 716 Mibjugh
2022-06-14 Linford Pryor 26 D
6 665 064 Mibjugh
2022-06-13 Glyn Brown 17 D
1 133 160 Mibjugh
2022-06-09 Rick Ruffer 20 MF
10 992 156 Mibjugh
2022-05-21 Thurston Billingham 16 D
3 608 640 Mibjugh
2022-04-11 Rob Bulman 19 D
40 068 Mibjugh
2022-02-25 Sherlock Bailey 24 D
9 788 436 Mibjugh
2022-02-25 Ashton Fell 24 MF
6 177 528 Mibjugh
2022-02-25 Kieron Malloy 20 MF
3 059 616 Mibjugh
2022-01-27 Ned Paul 16 D
5 047 980 Mibjugh
2021-09-11 Chad Motson 18 MF
66 612 Mibjugh
2021-08-04 Norm Bennington 18 F
1 546 860 Mibjugh
2021-07-25 Nick Hewitt 39 MF
0 Spicca
2021-07-10 Stanley Milne 18 F
40 404 Mibjugh
2021-07-09 Milton Burke 17 F
2 358 804 Mibjugh
2021-05-16 Homer Skinner 19 F
69 636 Mibjugh
2021-05-02 Ernest Main 19 F
214 032 Mibjugh
2021-04-11 Zacharia Boardman 38 MF
0 Spicca
2021-03-09 Jeremiah Challis 17 F
2 089 668 Mibjugh
2020-12-27 Djukan Miljevic 37 MF
0 Spicca
2020-12-27 Oyinade Okoronkwo 37 F
0 Spicca
2020-12-11 Jonathan Berry 18 F
208 068 Mibjugh
2020-11-27 Ken Hooke 18 F
40 068 Mibjugh
2020-09-13 Tuomo Hakkapeliitta 36 MF
0 Spicca
2020-09-13 Geraldo Sarasua 36 MF
0 Spicca
2020-09-13 Nils-Erik Agelstam 36 D
0 Spicca
2020-06-07 Richie Greening 16 MF
1 539 048 Mibjugh
2020-05-31 Kelsey Hateley 35 D
0 Spicca
2020-05-08 Lewis Table 17 MF
7 437 780 Mibjugh
2020-04-24 Chesley Willis 16 D
1 611 708 Mibjugh
2020-04-21 Jeremy Rotham 17 D
1 451 436 Mibjugh
2020-04-06 Öryan Defenssen 34 D
1 177 260 Mibjugh
2020-04-06 Shaun Churchill 18 D
48 048 Mibjugh
2020-04-06 Tasko Laskovic 37 GK
1 855 644 Mibjugh
2020-02-16 Abran Pajares 37 D
0 Spicca
2020-01-12 Aníbal Carreto 19 MF
110 040 Mibjugh
2019-12-19 Brynjar Hinriksson 19 D
176 652 Mibjugh
2019-12-08 Fausto Guidoni 33 F
769 524 Mibjugh
2019-10-19 Yoshikatsu Hiraki 32 MF
10 666 740 Mibjugh
2019-10-19 Giralamo Indiveri 32 D
3 900 036 Mibjugh
2019-07-21 Benedito Beto 32 D
0 Spicca
2018-05-28 Hans Alverö 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2017-10-29 Rufus Aneröd 17 MF
0 Imkecci
2017-07-20 Christopher Winstanley 35 D
593 880 Mibjugh
2017-07-16 Lester Dyke 36 MF
0 Spicca
2017-06-29 Svante Bogren 18 MF
760 872 Mibjugh
2017-06-29 Thorbjörn Dungert 17 MF
52 752 Mibjugh
2017-06-06 Krister Hed 17 MF
47 544 Mibjugh
2017-04-11 Carl-Petter Bjerkefors 20 MF
2 558 556 Mibjugh
2017-02-14 Göran Kristenson 17 MF
307 104 Mibjugh
2017-02-14 Jonathan Ahlgren 18 MF
40 908 Mibjugh
2017-01-04 Petter Loberg 17 MF
49 644 Mibjugh
2016-12-23 Karl-Erik Hälleberg 17 MF
5 227 404 Mibjugh
2016-10-24 Jörgen Sundberg 17 MF
0 Imkecci
2016-09-27 Pål Bertilson 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2016-09-09 Timmie Christersson 16 MF
6 292 608 Mibjugh
2016-08-13 Per Arnerlind 17 MF
1 865 472 Mibjugh
2016-08-06 Eskil Ekedahl 17 MF
63 420 Mibjugh
2016-07-02 Edgar Blücker 17 MF
0 Imkecci
2016-05-29 Boine Mattiasson 18 MF
55 608 Mibjugh
2016-04-18 Adam Björnänger 17 MF
153 804 Mibjugh
2016-03-07 Johnny Settergren 18 MF
403 368 Mibjugh
2016-02-14 Elmer Victorsson 18 MF
1 298 640 Mibjugh
2016-02-10 Marcin Orlowski 30 MF
0 Imkecci
2016-01-21 Christopher Duveborn 18 MF
703 164 Mibjugh
2016-01-18 James Rodriguez 16 MF
24 944 052 Mibjugh
2016-01-02 Carl-Emil Widfalk 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2015-11-01 Stefan Wahlström 17 MF
2 892 876 Mibjugh
2015-10-30 Urban Ramgren 17 MF
2 401 560 Mibjugh
2015-10-25 Bruce Lee 33 D
0 Spicca
2015-08-30 Jan Hallander 18 MF
576 156 Mibjugh
2015-07-29 Pontus Ulestedt 17 MF
0 Imkecci
2015-07-17 Fabian Lingongren 18 MF
40 068 Mibjugh
2015-05-12 Per-Anders Johnson 17 MF
290 808 Mibjugh
2015-04-16 Bosse Henningsson 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2015-02-25 Patric Folin 19 MF
132 804 Mibjugh
2015-01-31 Veijo Bergskans 17 MF
68 880 Mibjugh
2015-01-12 Yngve Mordelius 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2015-01-05 Tore Stefansson 17 MF
604 632 Mibjugh
2014-12-30 Jacob Salomonsson 19 MF
7 120 512 Mibjugh
2014-12-20 Hans-Åke Kihlstedt 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2014-12-20 Florinel Bãrbulescu 21 D
0 Imkecci
2014-12-20 Cato Bergdølmo 35 GK
0 Imkecci
2014-12-19 Matts Ekland 24 MF
0 Imkecci
2014-12-19 Yoann Marcq 29 F
0 Imkecci
2014-12-18 Ucup Rifani 34 F
0 Imkecci
2014-12-18 Constant Cozma 34 MF
0 Imkecci
2014-12-18 Zacharia Adler 34 D
0 Imkecci
2014-12-18 Anton Dobrescu 36 F
0 Imkecci
2014-12-16 Jerry Abrahamsson 39 MF
0 Imkecci
2014-12-16 Vernon Adamson 35 F
0 Imkecci
2014-12-16 Joël Decroix 27 D
0 Imkecci
2014-12-16 Malte Bengtsson 36 D
0 Imkecci
2014-12-14 Srebrenko Bonura 36 MF
0 Spicca
2014-11-29 Jason Mahon 20 MF
6 633 144 Mibjugh
2014-11-25 Alvin Scheerer 28 D
7 612 668 Mibjugh
2014-11-22 Serban Hasdeu 22 MF
10 610 208 Mibjugh
2014-11-21 Daniel Fuksiewicz 24 D
11 397 120 Mibjugh
2014-11-21 Gaspar Lagartinho 28 MF
5 383 980 Mibjugh
2014-11-21 Quitério Salomão 30 GK
6 939 156 Mibjugh
2014-11-21 Maurice Pilling 28 D
7 780 668 Mibjugh
2014-11-18 Totsakan Srinives 23 F
18 145 008 Mibjugh
2014-11-17 Vukan Neskovic 23 F
14 347 704 Mibjugh
2014-11-17 Edmond Phillips 26 MF
7 155 456 Mibjugh
2014-11-17 Duarte Abreu 27 MF
7 512 876 Mibjugh
2014-11-17 Gaucho Rembrant 22 D
7 791 840 Mibjugh
2014-11-14 Nemanja Slavujevic 23 F
11 367 216 Mibjugh
2014-11-13 Namdi Okoronkwo 38 GK
0 Imkecci
2014-11-13 Paul Westwood 38 D
0 Imkecci
2014-11-07 Ossian Nyberg 18 D
427 056 Mibjugh
2014-11-06 Tommie Ivergård 20 GK
204 456 Mibjugh
2014-10-02 Edvin Wemmersten 17 D
112 056 Mibjugh
2014-09-27 Stefan Stenman 16 MF
461 664 Mibjugh
2014-08-16 Salvador Normell 18 F
194 628 Mibjugh
2014-07-19 Joel Snöbom 18 GK
0 Imkecci
2014-06-03 Robinson Crusoe 18 GK
0 Imkecci
2014-05-24 Danijel Ivosevic 19 MF
3 608 640 Mibjugh
2014-05-20 Drazen Dobrijevic 24 GK
0 Imkecci
2014-02-10 Eduardo Lima 29 MF
5 998 272 Mibjugh
2014-02-07 Borko Blagogevic 18 MF
40 068 Mibjugh
2014-02-06 António Neves 26 MF
8 754 144 Mibjugh
2013-12-16 Vladan Jorgacevic 17 MF
57 204 Mibjugh
2013-08-08 Vlado Medjugorac 17 MF
4 278 456 Mibjugh
2013-08-04 Laza Rasetic 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2013-07-14 Cecílio Rui Costa 21 F
9 691 332 Mibjugh
2013-04-09 Teodor Maletic 17 MF
405 804 Mibjugh
2013-04-05 Stojan Milosevic 21 GK
6 954 864 Mibjugh
2013-03-28 Branimir Dackovic 20 MF
1 036 224 Mibjugh
2013-01-02 Aleksa Kadijevic 17 MF
599 004 Mibjugh
2012-12-21 Zivojin Barisic 17 MF
602 700 Mibjugh
2012-12-19 Tanasije Valjarevic 19 D
89 712 Mibjugh
2012-12-19 Colin Downs 20 D
137 844 Mibjugh
2012-12-11 Predrag Grgurevic 20 F
1 754 004 Mibjugh
2012-12-06 Nikoslav Kujundzic 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2012-12-06 Neven Ljuboja 19 MF
40 068 Mibjugh
2012-11-17 Rui Barros 27 F
11 814 600 Mibjugh
2012-11-17 Ljubomir Janjic 16 MF
15 660 036 Mibjugh
2012-10-24 Timmy Tackles 34 D
545 664 Mibjugh
2012-10-17 Sreten Teofanovic 18 GK
0 Imkecci
2012-10-09 Carlos Secretário 28 D
8 741 460 Mibjugh
2012-09-15 Ozren Prso 19 F
143 556 Mibjugh
2012-08-30 Sinisa Mihajlovic 18 D
0 Imkecci
2012-08-26 Martin Dahlin 18 F
0 Imkecci
2012-08-24 Santiago Dossantos 18 D
0 Imkecci
2012-08-19 Agustin De Pedro 36 D
0 Spicca
2012-08-02 Julijan Stojakovic 19 F
0 Imkecci
2012-07-19 Tasko Naumovic 20 F
0 Imkecci
2012-07-18 Tasko Jurcic 18 GK
0 Imkecci
2012-06-05 Pinturiquio Del Piero 26 F
0 Imkecci
2012-06-04 Ilija Caranovic 21 D
9 837 912 Mibjugh
2012-05-13 August Dahlgren 25 D
0 Imkecci
2012-05-06 Karl-Gunnar Gannedahl 35 MF
0 Spicca
2012-04-21 Andjelko Maljevic 17 F
8 425 032 Mibjugh
2012-04-06 Michael van Tiggelen 26 MF
8 852 172 Mibjugh
2012-04-06 Barak Obama 30 MF
4 105 080 Mibjugh
2012-04-06 Jens Grönkvist 30 F
3 415 104 Mibjugh
2012-03-24 Jorge Costa 29 D
10 570 980 Mibjugh
2012-03-24 João Fonseca 30 GK
5 836 740 Mibjugh
2012-03-09 Vukajlo Trsic 17 F
94 668 Mibjugh
2012-02-28 Stevo Bjelinic 18 F
2 945 208 Mibjugh
2012-01-22 Casper Edmark 35 F
0 Spicca
2012-01-04 Victor Silva 19 F
304 248 Mibjugh
2011-12-07 Vitor Jobling 18 F
72 324 Mibjugh
2011-12-06 Rafael Abrantes 20 MF
172 620 Mibjugh
2011-11-16 Vítor Barbosa 18 MF
81 900 Mibjugh
2011-11-09 Vítor Teixeira 18 MF
297 276 Mibjugh
2011-11-05 Vítor Mota 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2011-10-09 Fidel Bouzo 40 D
0 Spicca
2011-10-09 Renaldo Sordo 35 MF
0 Spicca
2011-09-23 David Oliveira 18 D
260 064 Mibjugh
2011-08-30 Ricardo Ramalho 17 D
295 512 Mibjugh
2011-06-30 Victor Correia 18 D
41 580 Mibjugh
2011-06-26 Gojko Nezirovic 38 MF
0 Spicca
2011-04-16 Hugo Pessoa 18 D
1 102 080 Mibjugh
2011-03-20 Senad Cvaka 36 GK
0 Imkecci
2011-03-20 Kenneth Gyllander 35 D
376 068 Mibjugh
2011-03-19 Alírio Varelas 19 D
2 000 040 Mibjugh
2011-02-04 Alfredo Domingos 20 D
288 456 Mibjugh
2011-01-03 Massimo Di Livio 17 D
750 036 Mibjugh
2010-12-31 David Silva 18 D
0 Imkecci
2010-12-26 Alexandre Jobling 17 D
0 Imkecci
2010-12-12 Jakov Krivosic 18 D
0 Imkecci
2010-11-28 Torleif Josefsson 36 MF
0 Spicca
2010-11-28 Wendell Doherty 38 MF
0 Spicca
2010-10-27 Hélder Nunes 17 D
1 026 900 Mibjugh
2010-10-24 Nándor Dénes 33 F
2 500 008 Mibjugh
2010-07-04 Jorge Fucile 17 D
377 328 Mibjugh
2010-05-02 Zahir Alushi 35 D
0 Spicca
2010-02-07 Gustavo Maranhoto 18 GK
2 500 008 Mibjugh
2010-02-02 Gil Cigarro 20 GK
2 184 000 Mibjugh
2010-01-29 Quim Barrios 31 MF
0 Imkecci
2010-01-29 Lucho Gonzales 17 MF
1 360 464 Mibjugh
2010-01-29 Nuno Maniche 20 MF
4 330 703 Mibjugh
2010-01-29 Miguel Borreguero 29 F
1 553 827 Mibjugh
2010-01-21 Mitchell van der Gaag 23 MF
9 280 236 Mibjugh
2010-01-20 Hélio Miguel 25 F
6 828 528 Mibjugh
2010-01-18 Rune Fogh Nielsen 35 MF
0 Imkecci
2009-12-29 Raul Meireles 20 MF
6 497 898 Mibjugh
2009-12-20 Edgar Söderquist 22 D
13 157 931 Mibjugh
2009-11-19 Francisco Costinha 18 MF
2 464 000 Mibjugh
2009-11-02 Dimitri Alenitchev 19 MF
0 Imkecci
2009-10-08 Sitanshu Preetdeep 19 GK
0 Imkecci
2009-09-02 Aloísio Alves 17 D
0 Imkecci
2009-08-31 Rodolfo Reis 20 MF
0 Imkecci
2009-07-21 Helton Arruda 18 GK
4 200 000 Mibjugh
2009-07-08 Martino Abrante 27 D
924 000 Mibjugh
2009-06-29 Mike Walsh 19 F
177 324 Mibjugh
2009-06-25 Allan Albrecht 32 D
104 076 Mibjugh
2009-06-21 Per-Elvis Singvall 37 GK
0 Spicca
2009-05-21 Logi Hjálmsson 21 MF
1 260 000 Mibjugh
2009-05-21 Geraldo Luque 27 D
504 000 Mibjugh
2009-05-08 António Oliveira 17 MF
0 Imkecci
2009-05-04 Eduardo Luís 17 D
0 Imkecci
2009-04-25 Augusto Romerito 30 D
294 000 Mibjugh
2009-04-15 Nalle Malmsborg 34 F
0 Imkecci
2009-03-13 Jez Wallace 18 GK
1 122 576 Mibjugh
2009-01-26 Juan-José Cañas 27 GK
0 Imkecci
2009-01-18 Antony Billing 31 MF
0 Imkecci
2009-01-17 Afonso Lejarreta 28 F
377 412 Mibjugh
2008-12-22 Natanael Che Geuvara 32 MF
0 Imkecci
2008-12-03 Javiero Pons 30 D
165 144 Mibjugh
2008-11-29 Giorgio Bruni 30 F
0 Imkecci
2008-11-08 Olegário Sacramento 18 F
252 000 Mibjugh
2008-11-02 Marcos Roja 27 MF
141 708 Mibjugh
2008-10-28 Tiago Monteiro 17 F
1 092 000 Mibjugh
2008-10-24 Dhipyamongkol Chaivisuthangkura 24 F
0 Imkecci
2008-10-15 Ivan Horcajada 27 MF
0 Imkecci
2008-09-05 Stefano Ino 30 F
0 Imkecci
2008-08-19 Cuarto Jamelli 31 F
0 Imkecci
2008-08-18 Gaspar Nazaré 20 F
0 Imkecci
2008-08-15 Montel di Stefano 32 D
0 Imkecci
2008-08-14 David Villaa 18 MF
0 Imkecci
2008-07-25 Vitor Jobling 19 F
0 Imkecci
2008-07-03 Mauricio Amor 29 GK
0 Imkecci
2008-05-21 Arnau Estrada 26 MF
0 Imkecci

Menu tat-tim


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