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Offline Duckford 



Livre d'Or



DJSweaty - 2024-08-12 12:32
No Guestbook messages from you for 10 years now mate, bit disappointed... ;)

Se7enman - 2015-06-04 20:48
Thanks mate, appreciate that!

Ocs18 - 2015-04-26 20:09
Circumstances mate, got a chromebook now, which means no FM manager ;( need some footy in my life :p How you been?

Ocs18 - 2015-04-26 17:31

Fabbyulous - 2014-01-08 21:48
Your team look like a pretty good bunch :) and yeah, coming up to the end of the season myself.. dreading a poor recruitment period :(

Fabbyulous - 2014-01-08 00:06
Not too bad cheers mate, xpert team just got a win despite my careless tactics so can't be bad haha, and yourself?

Jambags - 2013-06-02 10:01
Haha I think they just tried to shut us up cos they got collared!!
They deleted the original tweet anyway!!

Ocs18 - 2012-11-25 17:29
All is good thanks! Just moved house etc so little one has more space to cause mayhem... you? :D

Hertz_Van_Rental - 2012-08-22 22:45
How come you changed your Xpert team? Needed a new challenge?

Fabbyulous - 2012-08-10 04:12
Happened after skillgate which was ages ago? Lol I'll know where to go next time I need something observed ;) thanks though :) I'd have rather become CoS in better circumstances however I must say

DJSweaty - 2012-06-22 18:44
Hope to see you get there - no chance I'm getting back up there any time soon...if ever...

DJSweaty - 2012-04-16 11:07
Highest ever ranking - good work mate!

Next is top 500...

DJSweaty - 2012-04-13 14:55
Don't know mate - just tried to leave one on yours and looked like it was going to let me.
I thought it may because we're in official leagues, but it can't be that - I've checked to see if I've blocked comments somehow, but can't find that option anywhere either...

DJSweaty - 2012-04-13 10:28
Which PR???

Ross_smith24 - 2012-01-24 13:45
Cheers Duck. My best was 59th so am aiming to get back to that. Just been knocked out of UL cup so thats a setback. Need to catch Gaz up ;)

48-34 33-19 18-4 3-1

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