Manager changes

2024-09-22   Explosions in the Sky Simonhedin 74
2024-09-22   Coffin Dodgers . Bulale 74
2024-09-22   Riverside bombers Gipsy 74
2024-07-15   Nyköpings FC Ehrström 74
2024-06-09   Explosions in the Sky Xpertseleven 73
2024-06-09   Nyköpings FC Alexball 73
2024-06-09   Riverside bombers Mättbrux 73
2024-06-09   Coffin Dodgers . Dazzamac 73
2024-02-25   Explosions in the Sky Geordie4Ever 72
2024-02-25   Nyköpings FC Dolkie 72
2024-02-25   Coffin Dodgers . Gallff 72
2024-02-25   Riverside bombers Dazzamac 72
2023-11-12   Explosions in the Sky Huffty7 71
2023-11-12   Nyköpings FC Dave261 71
2023-11-12   Coffin Dodgers . Mättbrux 71
2023-11-12   Riverside bombers Ronnie9 71
2023-07-30   Explosions in the Sky SirSIDH 70
2023-07-30   Nyköpings FC CoachC 70
2023-07-30   Coffin Dodgers . Ronnie9 70
2023-06-25   Riverside bombers NunoLipe 70

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