Info ligue - LCL Premier League

Page d'accueil: Aucun
ID de ligue: 114180
Admin. de ligue: Stevebarfoot
Assistants de ligue
Évaluation de la ligue:
Classement: Classée comme nombre 85
Âge moyenne: 46 ans
Nombre d’équipes 96
Équipes actives: 96
Équipes VIP 39
Créée: 2007-07-16
Début de saison: 2024-10-19
Fin de saison: 2025-01-20
Type de la ligue: Ligues privée (Hommes)
Système de ligue: 1:1
Divisions: 12
Tricheries: Inactivé
Transferts directs: Activé
Changement des noms: Activé
Jours des matchs: Mardi et Samedis
Heures des matchs: 12:00
Démographie: England: 50%
Scotland: 8%
Portugal: 5%
Romania: 5%
Sweden: 4%
Requests: Il n'y en a pas!

Longleat Safari Park 56
Tyldesley FC 55
Green and Whites 54
Rovers Return 53
Rockerbocker 52
Kellys Heroes 51
Rovers Return 50
Rovers Return 49
Barming FC 48
AC Barcos 47
Perth Saints 46
Bregu i Diellit 45
Deja Vu 44
Bregu i Diellit 43
1. FC MadCologne 42
Stockport Albion 41
1. FC MadCologne 41
Peaky Blinders 40
Longleat Safari Park 40
Peaky Blinders 39
Longleat Safari Park 38
Peaky Blinders 38
Stockport Albion 37
1. FC MadCologne 37
Peaky Blinders 36
AC Barcos 35
Corporal Punishment 35
Deja Vu 34
AC Barcos 34
Stockport Albion 33
Corporal Punishment 33
Rovers Return 32
Deja Vu 32
Stockport Albion 31
Deja Vu 31
Stockport Albion 31
EDC Cooperative 31
Deja Vu 30
Barming FC 30
Stockport Albion 30
Deja Vu 30
Deja Vu 29
Stoke Defiers 29
Stockport Albion 29
EDC Cooperative 29
Pig Butchers 29
Whickham Town FC 29
AFC Marino 28
Stockport Albion 28
Fighting Falcons 28
Whickham Town FC 28
Stockport Albion 27
Stoke Defiers 27
Stockport Albion 26
Barming FC 26
Greenwich Borough 26
Deja Vu 26
Mehillon Burgo 25
Stoke Defiers 25
Greenwich Borough 25
Stockport Albion 25
Greenwich Borough 24
Stockport Albion 24
Mehillon Burgo 24
Stoke Defiers 24
Greenwich Borough 23
Stoke Defiers 22
Greenwich Borough 22
redbus rovers 22
Amsterdam Noskins 21
Lion Hearts 21
Stoke Defiers 21
Lion Hearts 20
Stoke Defiers 20
Stoke Defiers 19
Morose 19
Dinnington Town 18
Morose 18
Real Dragón CF 18
Dinnington Town 17
Amsterdam Noskins 17
Satans XI 17
Lion Hearts 16
Wullverpool 15
Dinnington Town 15
Lion Hearts 15
Bulldogs 14
FC Ass Whoopers 14
Dinnington Town 14
Amsterdam Noskins 14
Ipswich Punishment Crew 13
Dinnington Town 13
Amsterdam Noskins 13
The Wednesday 13
Tractor Boys 12
Dinnington Town 12
Lion Hearts 12
Dinnington Town 11
Rovers Return 11
Lion Hearts 11
Tractor Boys 11
Lion Hearts 10
S.C.Algueirão 10
Perpignan SC 10
The Wednesday 10
Tractor Boys 10
Rovers Return 9
Ipswich Punishment Crew 9
Perpignan SC 9
redbus rovers 9
Wullverpool 8
Morose 8
Rovers Return 8
Ipswich Punishment Crew 7
Robins 7
The Wednesday 7
Rovers Return 7
Wullverpool 7
Perpignan SC 6
Rovers Return 6
Ipswich Punishment Crew 6
Rovers Return 5
Minneapolis Ravens 5
Ipswich Punishment Crew 5
Rovers Return 4
Tractor Boys 4
Real Ale 4
Tractor Boys 3
The Burns Unit 2
Minneapolis Ravens 2
Lion Hearts 2
Ipswich Punishment Crew 2
Olimpia Satu Mare 2
Lion Hearts 1
Tractor Boys 1

Description de la ligue:
Welcome to the LCL Premier League. This league has been running since 2007 and over the years has seen some of the best managers.

All that i ask is managers stay active and set their teams up for every game. And to get the banter going it would be good if managers could write a press now and again.

Best ranking - 31 - March 2015

Leagues that have merged with us and not to be forgotten.

November 2014
Super Dappa League - (29 seasons) -
Hartley10 - 5 teams

FA Premier League - (32 seasons) -
Eclipsen413 -11 teams

FFF League - (14 seasons) -
Mauro7 - 11 teams

The hunger games - (16 seasons) -
Brown99 - 4 teams

March 2015
TCW Managers League - (20seasons) -
Jenkinz - 6 teams

The V.I.P Premier Premiership - (41seasons) -
THESaintz -16 teams

World Super League - (33seasons) -
Bry - 9 teams

The Phoenix League - (10 seasons) -
Cns72 - 10 teams

August 2015
Wullie13 - 8 teams

Drstupidphd - 11 teams

November 2016
PORTUGAL CUP - (26 seasons) -
C03lh0 - 13 teams

July 2017
Xpert Evolution - (29 seasons) -
Squarehead13 - 14 teams

June 2019
Swindon Town League - (22 seasons) -
Geordie_vince - 5 teams

February 2023
League Vapor - (13 seasons) -
Teddy1989 - 6 teams
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