Info de liga - The Falcon Alliance

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ID de la liga: 169319
Administrador: Jimokay
Puntuación de la liga:
Ranking: Posición número 226
Edad media: 43 años
Total equipos: 16 (AI Teams: 1)
Equipos activos: 16
Equipos VIP: 9
Fecha creación: 2008-08-05
Inicio temporada: 2024-08-16
Final temporada: 2024-11-17
Tipo de liga: Liga privada (Hombres)
Sistema de liga: 1:1
Divisiones: 2
Juego sucio: Desactivado
Transferencias directas: Activado
Cambio de nombre de jugadores: Activado
Días de partido: Martes y Viernes
Hora del partido: 16:00
Demografía: England: 81%
Sweden: 6%
New Zealand: 6%
Wales: 6%
Peticiones: No hay ninguno!

Ruel Fox FC 79
Unseen Academicals 78
Unseen Academicals 77
Unseen Academicals 76
Unseen Academicals 75
Unseen Academicals 74
Unseen Academicals 73
Unseen Academicals 72
Unseen Academicals 71
Unseen Academicals 70
Brunshaw Bombers 69
Brunshaw Bombers 68
Brunshaw Bombers 67
Waitaki Tuatara 66
Waitaki Tuatara 65
Waitaki Tuatara 64
Waitaki Tuatara 63
Mota Juniors 62
Mota Juniors 61
Mota Juniors 60
Waitaki Tuatara 59
Mota Juniors 58
Mota Juniors 57
Mota Juniors 52
Mota Juniors 50
Waitaki Tuatara 38
Waitaki Tuatara 37
Waitaki Tuatara 36
Waitaki Tuatara 34
Waitaki Tuatara 28
Waitaki Tuatara 26
Waitaki Tuatara 25
Waitaki Tuatara 23
Waitaki Tuatara 22
Waitaki Tuatara 21
Waitaki Tuatara 18
Brunshaw Bombers 18
Unseen Academicals 17
Mythical Men 17
Waitaki Tuatara 16
Brunshaw Bombers 16
Unseen Academicals 15
Brunshaw Bombers 14
Waitaki Tuatara 13
Unseen Academicals 13
Waitaki Tuatara 12
Unseen Academicals 12
Unseen Academicals 11
Walton Casuals 10
Unseen Academicals 9
Unseen Academicals 8
Brunshaw Bombers 7
Mythical Men 3
Brunshaw Bombers 3
Brunshaw Bombers 2
Walton Casuals 1

Descripción liga:
Welcome to The Falcon Alliance League.

The league took it's current form following a merger between the Elite Alliance (established 2008) and the Falcon Challenge (established 2014), two long running and successful UK based leagues.

Like any league, (and indeed any club) both of the component leagues had had their ups and downs, each boasting 24 clubs at various points in their existence.

Now we look to the future and hope to keep our little league as competitive and fun as it ever has been.

We welcome all mangers of any ability as help and advice is always on hand. We just want you to be active and friendly.

We currently have 16 teams split into two divisions, with 2 promotions/relegations per season.

The top division is named The Elite as a nod to the former league name, the Elite Alliance, with the bottom division called The Soup in homage to the old Falcon Challenge's 2nd division which was named Primordial Soup.

As have 1 league game per week there is room for a couple of cup tournaments per season also. The first cup traditionally changes name every season and is usually named after a much loved public figure who has recently passed away. This is colloquially known by the managers as the 'Dead Celeb Cup'. This cup is seeded until the semi final stage.

This is followed by The Falcon Cup, a straight-up knockout with no seeding. This is our FA Cup equivalent.

The league admin also gifts 1 month's VIP membership to whichever manager produces the best press release. This is to encourage entertaining pressers and 'top bantz' amongst the managers.

Animated league logo by Woodstock11.
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