League info - Liga Amatorska

Home page: www.xperteleven.com/?lid=209769
LeagueID: 209769
League admin: Dzibril
League assistants:
League rating:
Ranking: Ranked as number 201
Average age: 43 years
Number of teams: 24 (AI Teams: 1)
Active teams: 24
VIP-teams: 6
Created: 2009-06-11
Season starts: 2024-11-19
Season ends: 2025-01-15
League type: Private league (Mens)
League system: 1:3
Divisions: 1
Dirty tricks: Not activated
Direct transfers: Activated
Player name changes: Activated
Match days: Tuesdays and Fridays
Match time: 18:00
Demography: Poland: 75%
Germany: 8%
Canada: 4%
United Arab Emirates: 4%
England: 4%
Demands: There are none!

Zagonczycy 69
Swornica Czarnowasy 68
Piraci z Piwniczki 67
Bayern Monachium 66
Zagonczycy 65
Zagonczycy 64
Bayern Monachium 63
Zagonczycy 62
Bayern Monachium 61
Zagonczycy 60
FC Bobs 59
KS Dabski 58
Piraci z Piwniczki 57
Zagonczycy 56
Lionheart Crusaders 55
FC Bobs 54
KS Lubon 53
Lionheart Crusaders 52
Lionheart Crusaders 51
Lionheart Crusaders 50
Lionheart Crusaders 49
Cobra Kai 48
Lionheart Crusaders 47
Leniwce Tatooine 45
Cobra Kai 44
Leniwce Tatooine 42
KS Lubon 38
KS Lubon 35
Swornica Czarnowasy 32
Swornica Czarnowasy 28
Swornica Czarnowasy 27
Leniwce Tatooine 25
Swornica Czarnowasy 20
Swornica Czarnowasy 18
BV Borussia Dortmund 10
BV Borussia Dortmund 7
Swornica Czarnowasy 5
BV Borussia Dortmund 5
Raków Czestochowa 2

League description:
Jedenascie lat historii, gramy systemem CL (3 lub 4 grupy i faza zasadnicza + po jej zakonczeniu faza KO dla najlepszych zespolow, ktora wylania mistrza).

Serdecznie zapraszamy! :)


Our league was created on June 11, 2009. We have a CL system.

We invite all active players to play together! :)
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