Informacije lige - Battle Royale

Glavna stranica: Odsutan
Broj lige: 460999
Administrator lige: SirWallyWilson
Ocena lige:
Rang: Rang 117
Prosečna starost: 41 godina
Broj timova: 32 (AI Teams: 4)
Aktivni timovi: 32
VIP timovi: 12
Datum osnivanja: 2020-06-21
Datum početka sezone: 2024-12-22
Datum kraja sezone: 2025-02-17
Vrsta lige: Privatna liga (Muški)
Sistem lige: 1:4
Zone: 1
Prljavi trikovi: Neaktivan
Direktni transferi: Aktivan
Promena imena igrača: Aktivan
Dan odigravanja utakmice: Sredom i Nedeljom
Vreme odigravanja utakmice: 18:00
Demografija: Sweden: 28%
England: 19%
Romania: 9%
United States: 6%
Malaysia: 6%
Potrebe: Nema nijedne!

Draco Reges Mundi 23
Draco Reges Mundi 22
Hoooffenheim 21
Draco Reges Mundi 20
Los Blanco 19
Draco Reges Mundi 18
Hoooffenheim 17
Talleres F.C 16
Deepdale Ducks 15
Deepdale Ducks 14
Deepdale Ducks 13
Glenbuck Cherrypickers 12
Deepdale Ducks 11
Deepdale Ducks 10
Fc Rapid Bucuresti 9
Hoooffenheim 8
Fc Rapid Bucuresti 7
The Suits 6
Free Stylers FC 5
Deepdale Ducks 4
The Suits 3
Deepdale Ducks 2
Deepdale Ducks 1

Opis lige
Battle Royale League is a champions league style league in which we will have groups of eight teams each season.

Dependant on how many teams we eventually have will dictate how many go into the quarter finals from each group.

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