League info - New World Cup Order

Home page: Missing
LeagueID: 462250
League admin: Jammy2809
League assistants:
League rating:
Ranking: Ranked as number 442
Average age: 44 years
Number of teams: 32
Active teams: 30
VIP-teams: 20
Created: 2023-02-14
Season starts: 2024-10-24
Season ends: 2024-12-24
League type: Private league (Mens)
League system: 1:4
Divisions: 1
Dirty tricks: Not activated
Direct transfers: Not activated
Player name changes: Activated
Match days: Thursdays and Sundays
Match time: 20:00
Demography: Sweden: 23%
England: 20%
Wales: 20%
Norway: 7%
Scotland: 7%
Demands: There are none!

Portugal 8
Portugal 7
Nauru 6
Malta 5
Malaysia 4
England 3
Malaysia 2
Argentina 1

League description:
Welcome to the New World Cup Order.

A league created out of the embers of a World Cup league that had potential but saw some bad decisions, where teams weren't being promoted and seasons going on forever.

The NWCO strives to be what a World Cup league should be.
Everyone given a chance at glory.
Everyone involved.
Everyone given time between seasons.
Everyone having a say.
Everyone being listened to.

Together let's create something great.
A league that's fun, and everyone can be proud of.

This is the New World Cup Order.
Join us.
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