Info. tal-Kampjonat - Universal Showcase

L-ewwel Pagna: Mitlufa
LeagueID: 462552
L-amministratur tal-Kampjonat: K7Sniper
Rata tal-Kampjonat:
Pozizzjoni: Irrankjat bhala numru 314
Eta bejn wiehed u iehor: 37 snin
Numru ta' timijiet: 16 (AI Teams: 3)
Timijiet Attivi: 16
Timijiet VIP: 11
Maghmul: 2024-03-19
L-Istagun jibda: 2024-08-26
L-Istagun Jispicca: 2024-10-12
Tip Tal-Kampjonat: Kampjonat Privat (Irgiel)
Sistema Tal-Kampjonat: 1:1
Divisjonijiet: 2
Azzjonijiet Hziena: Mhux attivati
Transferimenti Diretti: Attivat
Tibdil tal-Ismijiet tal-Plejers: Attivat
Granet tal-Loghob: It-Tnejn u Il-Gimgha
Hin tal-Loghob: 12:30
Demokrazija: England: 38%
Sweden: 25%
United States: 19%
Romania: 6%
Wales: 6%
Talbiet: M'hemm xejn!

Five Stars 2
Red Giant 1

Deskrizzjoni tal-Kampjonat:
A straight up league with straight up settings. Pick a planet or universal entity, real or fictional, and create a team for it! We are seeking to expand! Can you build a squad and challenge the best in the Universe?

Settings-wise, this is a league that doesn't have anything flashy or weird about it, with no surprise crazy rules to change how things work. This league wants to showcase the Best in the Universe with a rule set we all know!

Currently, we are set up as a 1:1 format with 2 promotion/relegation spots. Eventually, the divisional structure will ideally be a 1:2, 8 team table structure with 2 promotions depending on the breakdown number, with potentially a Cup being added depending on interest and the number of teams and layout. Structure and size may vary slightly depending on the number of teams in the league, but seasons will never be too long or drawn out if possible. Direct transfers are allowed.

Any questions, by all means ask!

Hall of Fame:
Season 1 Champions: Red Giant - Failed (Manager)
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