League info - av.sports

Home page: Missing
LeagueID: 275517
League admin: Luixx
League assistants:
League rating:
Ranking: Ranked as number 876
Average age: 33 years
Number of teams: 24 (AI Teams: 6)
Active teams: 24
VIP-teams: 1
Created: 2011-12-12
Season starts: 2024-12-26
Season ends: 2025-02-11
League type: Private league (Mens)
League system: 1:2
Divisions: 2
Dirty tricks: Activated
Direct transfers: Activated
Player name changes: Activated
Match days: Mondays and Thursdays
Match time: 10:00
Demography: Portugal: 71%
Sweden: 25%
Puerto Rico: 4%
Demands: There are none!

alhosvedrense fc 94
Almada AC 93
Almada AC 92
Almada AC 91
alhosvedrense fc 90
Almada AC 89
alhosvedrense fc 88
Villa Boys 87
Villa Boys 86
Real Vinhense 85
Real Vinhense 84
alhosvedrense fc 83
alhosvedrense fc 82
alhosvedrense fc 81
alhosvedrense fc 80
alhosvedrense fc 79
UFC Moitense 78
alhosvedrense fc 77
alhosvedrense fc 76
alhosvedrense fc 75
alhosvedrense fc 74
alhosvedrense fc 73
alhosvedrense fc 72
alhosvedrense fc 71
alhosvedrense fc 70
alhosvedrense fc 69
CRI de Alhos Vedros 68
Real Vinhense 67
Dinossauros 65
Dinossauros 64
alhosvedrense fc 63
CRI de Alhos Vedros 62
alhosvedrense fc 61
alhosvedrense fc 60
CRI de Alhos Vedros 59
alhosvedrense fc 58
alhosvedrense fc 57
alhosvedrense fc 56
alhosvedrense fc 55
alhosvedrense fc 54
alhosvedrense fc 53
alhosvedrense fc 52
alhosvedrense fc 51
Real Vinhense 50
alhosvedrense fc 49
Villa Boys 48
alhosvedrense fc 47
alhosvedrense fc 46
alhosvedrense fc 45
alhosvedrense fc 44
alhosvedrense fc 43
Villa Boys 42
Villa Boys 41
Real Vinhense 40
Villa Boys 39
Real Vinhense 38
Morçoas FC 37
alhosvedrense fc 36
alhosvedrense fc 35
alhosvedrense fc 34
alhosvedrense fc 33
alhosvedrense fc 32
alhosvedrense fc 31
alhosvedrense fc 30
alhosvedrense fc 29
alhosvedrense fc 28
alhosvedrense fc 27
alhosvedrense fc 26
alhosvedrense fc 23
alhosvedrense fc 22
alhosvedrense fc 21
alhosvedrense fc 20
alhosvedrense fc 19
Villa Boys 18
alhosvedrense fc 17
alhosvedrense fc 16
alhosvedrense fc 15
alhosvedrense fc 14
alhosvedrense fc 13
alhosvedrense fc 12
alhosvedrense fc 10

League description:
Liga proativa de amigos da margem Sul do Tejo. Clubes regionais do Barreiro, Alhos Vedros, Baixa da Banheira, Moita, Montijo, Alcochete, Almada, Pinhal Novo, Palmela, etc....
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