Joueurs Partis

Joueurs toujours agissant qui sont vendus aux autres clubs
Christoffer Strindberg 18 M
2024-09-03 CD Isotopos 1 547 700
Edward Rönnkvist 20 M
2024-05-19 Eskorbutín Athletic 247 700
Max Tinnfält 36 D
2024-04-25 Skewen Town FC 3 571 500
Edoardo Cozza 39 D
2024-04-25 Wackhacker Nickers FC 1 190 500
Yun Long Zhu Ge 38 M
2024-04-20 FC Modo 1 652 400
Ove Sahlin 19 M
2024-01-08 Chadsmoor FC 1 432 100
Marcus Karlén 26 A
2023-10-24 White Eagles 16 666 700
Joakim Normqvist 22 D
2023-07-16 Makersville City 3 538 100
Edgar Borgström 23 M
2023-03-30 Dream Machine 5 952 400
Carl-Oscar Cedell 21 D
2023-02-21 Groundskeepers 11 171 500
Stefan Backemo 23 G
2023-01-31 The Gooners 47 700
Laban Pärson 23 D
2023-01-18 Chupifaso 97 700
Donald Pettersson 24 M
2022-10-01 Golden Lions 1 428 600
Tony Bock 27 D
2022-08-24 The Devils 2 833 400
Freddy Stjärndahl 27 M
2021-11-10 Coconut Kings 47 700
Kilian van Gompel 32 D
2021-10-24 Made in Portugal 4 938 100
Tony Bock 29 M
2021-09-23 Gladiators 630 600
Rudolf Anjevall 28 G
2021-07-08 Fridgetosofa Rovers 47 700
Philip Kullander 27 M
2021-07-04 IF Vikapojkarna 1 995 900
Karl-Petter Nylin 28 A
2021-06-10 Sauchie Juniors 7 962 000
Rufus Arnoldsson 28 A
2021-05-29 Suolakaivos FC 6 366 700
Felix Åstrand 30 G
2021-04-11 The Black Prince 47 700
Jacob Carpenter 32 D
2021-03-26 Homeless guys 614 100
Luciliano Alderete 32 G
2021-03-26 FC No Chance 4 371 500
Björn Göthe 31 M
2021-02-21 Draken AIK 152 800
Gert Ihrman 31 A
2020-10-18 Eleven Hunks 8 811 600
Knut Gröning 32 M
2020-09-16 Moonstruck Team 74 500
Octavian Boldeanu 31 M
2020-09-11 Pooventus 523 500
Abramo Saudati 33 G
2020-07-18 dusseldorf city fc 5 362 000
Patrick Svartvadet 36 M
2020-03-27 Lokomotiv Leka 1 785 800
Matteo Scilacci 32 A
2019-12-29 Sarawak United FC 4 990 800

Joueurs qui ont quitté le club
2024-09-03 Christoffer Strindberg 18 M
1 300 068 Vendu
2024-08-23 Ricky Pehrson 18 M
0 Licencié
2024-08-23 Arsenio Giacomin 38 A
0 Quitter
2024-05-19 Edward Rönnkvist 19 M
208 068 Vendu
2024-04-25 Edoardo Cozza 38 D
1 000 020 Vendu
2024-04-25 Max Tinnfält 35 D
3 000 060 Vendu
2024-04-20 Yun Long Zhu Ge 37 M
1 388 016 Vendu
2024-02-09 Ivar Maltesson 18 M
0 Licencié
2024-02-03 Matz Brundin 18 M
0 Licencié
2024-02-03 Felix Bergskans 18 D
0 Licencié
2024-01-26 Tadeo Domizzi 38 D
0 Quitter
2024-01-08 Ove Sahlin 17 M
1 202 964 Vendu
2023-10-24 Marcus Karlén 23 A
14 000 028 Vendu
2023-10-13 Duncan Stride 37 M
0 Quitter
2023-09-21 Marino Silver 17 D
432 600 Vendu
2023-07-16 Joakim Normqvist 18 D
2 972 004 Vendu
2023-03-30 Edgar Borgström 18 M
5 000 016 Vendu
2023-03-16 Bernth Hallstensson 17 D
0 Licencié
2023-02-21 Carl-Oscar Cedell 16 D
9 384 060 Vendu
2023-01-31 Stefan Backemo 19 G
40 068 Vendu
2023-01-31 Roberto Kihlberg 18 M
40 404 Vendu
2023-01-18 Laban Pärson 17 D
82 068 Vendu
2022-12-02 Avelino Alfena 35 M
0 Quitter
2022-11-02 Brian Strage 19 M
40 068 Vendu
2022-10-01 Donald Pettersson 17 M
1 200 024 Vendu
2022-08-24 Tony Bock 20 D
2 380 056 Vendu
2022-08-19 Bjarne Stålnacke 39 A
0 Quitter
2022-08-19 Peppino Titto 35 M
0 Quitter
2022-05-06 Paal Nermo 37 M
0 Quitter
2022-03-14 Alrik Åhlin 17 D
40 068 Vendu
2022-01-25 Hubert Berenger 36 M
324 324 Vendu
2022-01-08 Erik Antberg 18 D
0 Licencié
2021-11-10 Freddy Stjärndahl 17 M
40 068 Vendu
2021-10-24 Kilian van Gompel 22 D
4 148 004 Vendu
2021-10-08 Max Pedersen 36 D
0 Quitter
2021-09-23 Tony Bock 19 M
529 704 Vendu
2021-07-08 Rudolf Anjevall 18 G
40 068 Vendu
2021-07-04 Philip Kullander 17 M
1 676 556 Vendu
2021-06-25 Moon Dae Hu 36 D
0 Quitter
2021-06-10 Karl-Petter Nylin 17 A
6 688 080 Vendu
2021-05-29 Rufus Arnoldsson 17 A
5 348 028 Vendu
2021-05-15 Joe Berntsson 17 G
89 208 Vendu
2021-04-11 Felix Åstrand 18 G
40 068 Vendu
2021-03-28 Marciano Cavallo 24 A
7 344 036 Vendu
2021-03-26 Luciliano Alderete 20 G
3 672 060 Vendu
2021-03-26 Jacob Carpenter 20 D
515 844 Vendu
2021-02-21 Björn Göthe 19 M
128 352 Vendu
2021-02-13 Juan Lopez 32 M
374 304 Vendu
2020-12-07 Thorvald Stållberg 35 G
508 200 Vendu
2020-11-27 Cecil Rawle 36 D
0 Quitter
2020-10-18 Gert Ihrman 18 A
7 401 744 Vendu
2020-09-16 Knut Gröning 18 M
62 580 Vendu
2020-09-11 Octavian Boldeanu 17 M
439 740 Vendu
2020-09-11 Emiliano Dores 18 D
94 080 Vendu
2020-09-07 David Andervad 18 M
3 500 028 Vendu
2020-08-23 Gavin Horrocks 33 A
1 100 064 Vendu
2020-08-04 Cappi De Toma 19 M
0 Licencié
2020-07-18 Abramo Saudati 18 G
4 504 080 Vendu
2020-07-17 Folke Hanwik 33 M
948 024 Vendu
2020-07-13 Marko Stoijljkovic 37 M
0 Licencié
2020-07-11 Tadija Aleksandrovic 36 D
84 672 Vendu
2020-05-27 Tony Bock 19 D
0 Licencié
2020-05-06 Alex Källinger 22 G
2 038 008 Vendu
2020-05-06 Damjan Supe 22 D
4 684 008 Vendu
2020-03-30 Donati Cristante 19 A
105 924 Vendu
2020-03-27 Patrick Svartvadet 21 M
1 500 072 Vendu
2020-03-27 Angelo Di Biagio 22 M
2 918 076 Vendu
2020-03-20 Raffaele Fontana 19 D
40 068 Vendu
2020-03-08 Walter Rissi 21 D
2 000 040 Vendu
2020-01-17 Jared Hawke 36 M
0 Quitter
2019-12-29 Matteo Scilacci 16 A
4 192 272 Vendu
2019-10-11 Carlino Mirko 19 M
0 Licencié
2019-09-15 Américo Evaristo 28 A
353 556 Vendu
2019-06-21 Chase Bane 19 M
0 Licencié
2019-06-21 Percy Gregersson 26 M
0 Licencié
2019-03-08 Jordão Minho 37 M
0 Quitter
2018-11-23 Roko Klakocer 19 D
0 Licencié
2018-11-23 Jona Xurxo 35 D
0 Quitter
2018-10-27 Ennio Di Fiordo 19 A
122 976 Vendu
2018-10-16 Marino Cordas 19 M
0 Licencié
2018-09-23 Adelino Praça 34 D
82 068 Vendu
2018-09-18 Doug Crambie 37 M
60 060 Vendu
2018-09-10 Giovani Lambertini 19 A
0 Licencié
2018-06-12 Vittorio Minotti 20 A
0 Licencié
2018-02-10 Daniele Di Marco 17 M
67 452 Vendu
2018-01-17 Cesario Catini 18 D
0 Licencié
2018-01-12 Drew MacRonald 36 A
0 Quitter
2017-10-03 Federico Macellari 19 A
0 Licencié
2017-08-25 Gunde Boström 20 M
0 Licencié
2017-08-01 Luciano Lippi 20 A
0 Licencié
2017-08-01 Torsten Keppler 35 G
0 Licencié
2017-03-16 Taddeo Lambertini 17 A
450 072 Vendu
2017-03-11 Fico Asaro 17 A
40 068 Vendu
2016-11-18 Salvador Cama 37 G
0 Quitter
2016-11-18 Bernie Matheson 36 M
0 Quitter
2016-10-21 Sebastian Normstedt 18 A
82 068 Vendu
2016-08-13 Bertil Ullemark 18 A
127 344 Vendu
2016-08-09 Ray Ryfors 20 D
450 072 Vendu
2016-08-05 Klaes Ejdermo 19 M
0 Licencié
2016-08-05 Joon Ho Rhee 36 D
0 Quitter
2016-07-10 Albert Edén 19 M
91 644 Vendu
2016-06-02 Carl-Philip Hagström 19 A
0 Licencié
2016-05-07 Tsukasa Kondou 23 A
11 876 004 Vendu
2016-04-28 Torwald Ardenfors 18 A
175 056 Vendu
2016-04-27 Magnus Alwen 18 D
59 724 Vendu
2016-04-07 Murray York 31 M
1 850 016 Vendu
2016-03-25 Salvador Bildt 18 M
60 648 Vendu
2016-03-19 Donny Möllerfors 17 D
313 068 Vendu
2016-03-01 Octavian Arnãutu 23 A
0 Licencié
2016-02-04 Ailpein MacLean 25 G
0 Licencié
2016-01-23 Neo Thicke 36 D
186 060 Vendu
2016-01-08 Sture Gyllenberg 20 M
0 Licencié
2016-01-08 Armando Varona 35 A
0 Quitter
2015-11-15 Thorsten Wikegårdh 19 D
0 Licencié
2015-11-10 Tanasije Vesovic 20 M
0 Licencié
2015-11-10 Ratimir Backovic 17 D
0 Licencié
2015-11-03 Zeljko Bojadic 18 D
0 Licencié
2015-10-26 Larry Nesser 18 M
0 Licencié
2015-07-20 Barry Mister 32 D
0 Licencié
2015-07-16 Vukoje Klasnic 17 D
0 Licencié
2015-06-22 Raymond Fors 32 M
500 052 Vendu
2015-06-18 Borko Uzelac 20 M
0 Licencié
2015-05-22 Germano Casanova 36 M
0 Licencié
2015-04-04 Tommy Pietranera 33 A
0 Licencié
2015-03-04 Albrecht Bobson 18 D
300 048 Vendu
2015-02-11 Romeo Landzaat 17 A
600 012 Vendu
2015-01-28 Arnold Weenbau 18 A
0 Licencié
2015-01-09 Dick Booys 17 D
400 008 Vendu
2014-12-20 Mattis van Fessem 17 D
1 500 072 Vendu
2014-12-16 Keith Arbuckle 35 D
0 Licencié
2014-11-29 Chocron Senaya 19 D
0 Licencié
2014-11-14 Riken Mancebo 35 A
0 Quitter
2014-11-14 Sidney Revell 35 D
0 Quitter
2014-10-28 Robert Souter 28 G
0 Licencié
2014-08-20 Bonaventure Elame 19 A
0 Licencié
2014-08-01 Mathéus Souza 20 D
0 Licencié
2014-08-01 Remi Marchand 36 M
0 Licencié
2014-07-31 Alex Messi 34 M
0 Licencié
2014-06-12 Mathéus Edmilson 19 D
0 Licencié
2014-05-14 Berndt Frostgård 28 D
0 Licencié
2014-05-05 Joseph-Desire Ngathuessie 19 D
0 Licencié
2014-05-05 Durval Luis 30 A
1 600 032 Vendu
2014-05-04 Denilson Correia 17 D
1 000 020 Vendu
2014-04-22 Arne Thöne 30 M
0 Licencié
2014-04-04 Sören Lundgren 31 A
0 Licencié
2014-02-09 Cezar Floarea 25 D
1 336 020 Vendu
2014-02-05 Lachlan Tullie 21 A
0 Licencié
2014-02-05 Allan Andison 20 M
0 Licencié
2014-02-05 Alf McGuskie 21 D
0 Licencié
2014-02-05 Alexander Lithgow 22 D
0 Licencié
2014-02-05 Reagan Finnton 20 D
0 Licencié
2014-02-05 Finlay MacNab 20 D
0 Licencié
2013-06-21 Cesar Andrinua 33 D
0 Licencié
2013-06-10 Samuel Wilkes 31 M
0 Licencié
2013-05-07 Andronic Onescu 33 M
0 Licencié
2013-02-22 Juan Pablo Llamas 30 D
0 Licencié
2012-12-31 Danny Welbeck 30 A
113 064 Vendu
2012-12-25 Christiano Belotti 30 D
0 Licencié
2012-12-10 Derrick Render 24 D
0 Licencié
2012-11-30 Battista Bondi 33 M
0 Licencié
2012-10-08 Thomas MacThomas 18 D
0 Licencié
2012-07-30 Charlie Ackram 20 D
0 Licencié
2012-07-25 Filimon Bleont 33 M
0 Licencié
2012-04-07 Tom McIndoe 21 A
0 Licencié
2012-03-09 Filimon Mitric 28 M
0 Licencié
2012-03-09 Conor Thirlstane 17 A
0 Licencié
2012-02-28 Vladut Macoviciuc 34 G
40 068 Vendu
2012-02-21 André Gunnemark 34 D
40 068 Vendu
2012-02-16 Langra Deol 34 D
0 Licencié
2012-02-15 Sten Ackesjö 35 M
0 Licencié
2012-02-13 Willy Wiseman 28 M
73 668 Vendu
2012-02-07 Robbie Lennox 25 D
1 101 828 Vendu
2012-01-17 Janick Pitcairn 20 A
0 Licencié
2012-01-17 Willie Raith 16 A
12 011 580 Vendu
2012-01-12 Glen Rowat 31 M
0 Licencié
2012-01-04 Lewis Hendry 35 A
0 Licencié
2012-01-03 Jerry Grant 34 A
0 Licencié
2011-12-23 Kenneth Patton 33 D
0 Licencié
2011-12-23 Jaime Camilo 34 M
0 Licencié
2011-10-29 Euan MacBride 18 A
0 Licencié
2011-09-18 Lambert Naylor 35 D
0 Licencié
2011-09-16 Marcus Sandven 34 M
0 Licencié
2011-09-12 Joseph Rogers 30 M
0 Licencié
2011-09-11 Hans-Ove Edén 20 D
0 Licencié
2011-09-09 Aaron MacKeon 19 A
0 Licencié
2011-08-16 Murray Yeoman 22 A
717 444 Vendu
2011-07-29 Mike Caird 28 D
0 Licencié
2011-07-18 Rory Hutton 19 D
0 Licencié
2011-07-17 Ally MacFie 28 A
0 Licencié
2011-06-28 Jan-Erik Björkstedt 25 M
0 Licencié
2011-06-01 Kirk Docherty 23 A
0 Licencié
2011-06-01 Breannan McMoist 31 G
0 Licencié
2011-05-31 Cammy Glasscow 26 M
0 Licencié
2011-05-31 Alexander Garvock 30 M
0 Licencié
2011-05-30 Lee Laphroaig 22 D
0 Licencié
2011-05-30 Greg Philbin 26 M
0 Licencié
2011-05-29 Rab Tullock 23 A
0 Licencié
2011-05-28 Tom Trent 23 D
0 Licencié
2011-05-28 Jon Girvan 23 D
0 Licencié

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